24/7 Security Monitoring Services to Protect Your Business Around the Clock

Our professional monitoring services ensure constant protection, immediate response, and verified alerts for your peace of mind.

Remote Guarding and Video Verification: Real-Time Protection for Your Business

Our remote guarding services ensure that your business is under constant surveillance, with real-time video feeds monitored by our security professionals. Using advanced video verification technology, we can identify real threats, verify incidents, and notify authorities only when necessary—reducing false alarms and ensuring faster response times. Whether you’re protecting sensitive areas, managing multiple locations, or securing outdoor spaces, our remote guarding solutions are designed to give you peace of mind.

  • 24/7 live monitoring by security professionals. 
  • Immediate response to suspicious activity.
  • Reduction of false alarms through video verification.
  • Ability to monitor multiple locations from one centralized point.

Alarm Monitoring and Instant Alerts: Always One Step Ahead

With our alarm monitoring services, we keep a close eye on your business 24/7. Whether it’s detecting a break-in, monitoring motion, or responding to a fire or other emergency, our alarm systems send real-time alerts to both you and our monitoring team. You’ll receive notifications on your mobile device so you can stay informed, while we ensure immediate action is taken to address any threats. For added security, our alarm systems are integrated with video monitoring, giving us the full picture and reducing false alarms.

  • Real-time alarm monitoring for break-ins, fire, and other emergencies.
  • Instant notifications via mobile devices.
  • Integration with video monitoring for accurate threat assessment.
  • 24/7 professional response and escalation to authorities when needed.

Our Monitoring Process: Comprehensive Protection at Every Step

Monitoring Process

Why Businesses Trust ESI for Professional Security Monitoring

Providing cutting-edge security solutions and unmatched expertise to businesses in Colorado for over four decades.

Ready to enhance your security? Get a free consultation to discuss how we can protect your business.

Protect your people, customers, and property with 24/7 security monitoring services